In the summer of 2023, LähiTapiola piloted Climatrix service for calculating the climate risks of more than 5,000 insured assets in Finland. The project focused on coastal flooding.
In the pilot, Climatrix used e.g. the new flood data by the Finnish Environment Institute, safe building height data by the Finnish Meteorological Institute, and information on insured assets such as their values.
Based on the exact location of each asset, Climatrix calculated potential depth of flood water with different annual probabilities, separately for different climate scenarios and time frames. As a result, Climatrix offers visually engaging map and list views as well as asset-specific infographics. All calculations are provided via the API interface and as transfer files for further use in other business applications.

Flood risk scores of assets on map. All assets displayed are solely for illustrative purposes and are not insured by LähiTapiola.

Analyze asset’s risk scores and safe building heights. The asset displayed is solely for illustrative purposes and is not insured by LähiTapiola.

Overlay of an asset in relation to potential flooding scenarios. The asset displayed is solely for illustrative purposes and is not insured by LähiTapiola.
"As climate change progresses, physical climate risks - such as floods - will increase. This has a growing impact on the insurance business and its risk management. This Climatrix pilot has provided LähiTapiola insights into possibilities and challenges of data analytics in calculation of physical climate risks," states LähiTapiola's Chief Risk Officer Markku Miettinen.
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